If you are enthusiastic about sustainability and eager to learn practical tips and tricks on how to apply it, this workshop is for you. This is an event organized as a side event of the 5th International Conference «Innovative Materials, Structures and Technologies» (IMST 2022) held in Riga on September 28-30, 2022.

One of the ways to practice sustainability is by implementing Circular Economy principles. And no – it is not only about the waste. It is also about how can we create better: starting from the very beginning – design & how can we offer better: re-thinking our business models.

Did you know, that you can influence up to 80 % of the environmental impact of your idea/product at the design stage? Hence – you can significantly reduce it!

In this workshop, learn more about what Circular Economy is in its essence, find out some different circular principles, and how can they be applied when creating or improving a design or a business model.

The workshop is hosted by:

Amanda Griniece


Circular Economy & Sustainability

EIT Climate-KIC HUB Latvia project manager

If you are interested in how we can move one step closer to a sustainable built environment while understanding the principles and meaning of sustainability through practical hands-on examples, this workshop is for you. This is an event organized as a side event of the 5th International Conference «Innovative Materials, Structures and Technologies» (IMST 2022) held in Riga on September 28-30, 2022.

Every decision and action we make more or less affects the quality of life of future generations. Although it is accepted in society to motivate people to live today and not think about tomorrow, it is our duty to ensure that our descendants do not have to deal with the problems we create.

In this workshop, learn more about what sustainability is in its essence, find out how to make daily life decisions without having a negative impact on future generations, and learn some different ways how to make our built environment more sustainable.

The workshop is hosted by:

Laura Vitola



Institute of Materials and Structure, RTU