
10:00-11:30            Workshops (Kipsalas str. 6A) “Think Differently to Design Better. Design for Circular Economy” & “Sustainable Thinking and Sustainable Built Environment ”

12:00-15:00            Matchmaking breakfast (Kipsalas str. 6A)

18:00-21:00            Registration and welcome drinks (Azenes str. 6)

29.09.2022. (Azenes str. 12)

8:00-9:00               Registration

9:00-9:30               Conference opening

9:30-11:00             Keynote speeches

11:00-11:30           Coffee break

11:30-13:00           Oral presentations

                                   Sustainable Building Materials and Waste Management

                                   3D Printing of Building Materials

                                   Civil Engineering Education

                                   Construction Technology and Project Management

13:00-14:00            Lunch

14:00-15:30             Oral presentations

                                   Sustainable Building Materials and Waste Management

                                   Alternative Binders and Materials (including AAM & Geopolymers)

                                   Structures and technologies

                                   Smart Multifunctional Materials and Structures

                                   Inspection, Assessment, Repair

15:30-16:00             Coffee break

16:00-17:00             Poster Session

19:00-…                    Conference evening

30.09.2022. (Azenes str. 12)

10:00-10:30            Coffee break

10:30-12:00            Oral presentations

                                   Sustainable Building Materials and Waste Management

                                   Ecological Building Materials

                                   Structures and technologies

                                   Structural Engineering

12:00-13:00             Lunch

13:00-14:30             Oral presentations

                                   Sustainable Building Materials and Waste Management

                                   Renewable and Raw Materials

                                   Energy Efficient Building Indoor Environmental Systems

                                   Workshop “Structural Health Monitoring”

14:30-15:00             Coffee break

14:50-17:00             Excursion to laboratories

18:00-…                    Visit to Riga old town

Detailed Program of IMST2022